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Start promoting your business with us now

Take the opportunity, join the Directory portal, add your company (organisation) profile in the list and promote your business with us. Fill your profile, add all important information and navigate people straight into your business.

How to Join Directory Portal in 5 steps:

  1. Fill in you email, username and choose your package,
  2. Click on Sign Up (Buy with Paypal),
  3. Pay for package on Paypal,
  4. Check your email for login info,
  5. Log in and add your ITEMs into to the Directory Portal.
Statistics: 58 Categories 41 Locations 10 Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I upgrade to a paid listing?

The paid listings have several benefits; more images, a slideshow, more locations, videos, etc. Your fee also lets us market the directory. Our goal is to get the District directory to the top of the search engine results for your business or service in your town. To get you ahead of your competition. Your listing fee lets us do the marketing we need to so we can reach this goal.

What happens to a listing that is not claimed?

If you do not claim or ask us to remove your listing it will stay in the directory one year from the date it was posted. Then it will be automatically removed. Your listing will only have the basic information we had on file – no image, no description, no features. It’s really easy to claim your listing add some details and take advantage of the power of the business directory. And it’s FREE.

Is my email safe from Spammers?

Scraping is when a robot scans a website and collects emails for spammers. The directory uses antispambot software that helps stop the spammers. “It works by converting selected email addresses characters to HTML entities to block spam bots. Not all characters in the email address are converted: the selection is random and changes each t

How long does my listing last?

All listings, free and otherwise, expire one year from the time it is posted. Two weeks before the expiration date you will receive a notice to renew. If you choose not to renew the listing expires automatically.